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Reviewable is a comprehensive code review tool that is fully integrated with GitHub (and only GitHub). It's

  • Thorough — Tracks where par­tic­i­pants stand on each dis­cus­sion, en­sur­ing it won't dis­ap­pear un­til re­solved. Fully cus­tomiz­able logic de­ter­mines when a re­view is com­plete.
  • Efficient — Clearly shows net deltas since last time you looked, even if com­mits get re­based or amended. Batches com­ments and cor­rectly threads email re­sponses.
  • Fo­cused — Works only with GitHub and GitHub En­ter­prise, mak­ing for a seam­less in­te­gra­tion. Min­i­mal ad­min busy­work, no ex­tra fluff — just awe­some code re­views.

With Reviewable, you can:

  • In­stantly diff any two re­vi­sions of a file, in either a uni­fied or side-by-side view.
  • Hide mi­nor changes, including white­space, merge, and re­base deltas.
  • Map line com­ments across file re­vi­sions and keep them around un­til re­solved, not just un­til changes are pushed.
  • Keep track of who re­viewed which re­vi­sion of each file to ensure that no changes are missed.
  • Com­bine com­mits for review, or re­view each commit separately.
  • Cus­tomize the line length mar­gin, fonts, col­ors, key­board short­cuts, and more.
  • Jump from a com­ment straight to the right spot in your fa­vorite ed­i­tor.
  • Enjoy a mod­ern, clean UI with a touch of whimsy.
  • Get full con­tex­tual help, and fast sup­port if you have ques­tions.
  • Sign in with GitHub ac­count — no sep­a­rate ac­counts to man­age.
  • Keep all your code on GitHub, not on our servers.

This user guide is a helpful resource for learning all of the details about every Reviewable feature. Soon, you'll be more efficient at eliminating buggy code and helping your team improve their delivery pipeline.

How to use this guide

Reviewable is a powerful, feature-rich, and highly configurable tool, so it'll probably take you a while to figure out how to use it to its full potential. The first steps are fairly straightforward, though:

  1. Everybody should read through the Registration and Authorization section that follows.
  2. Then, if Reviewable is already set up for your favorite repos, you can just keep reading straight into the Reviews section that follows and dip into the other sections as needed.
  3. If, on the other hand, you're an admin setting up Reviewable for the first time, you'll want to jump to the Repositories section first for details on how to connect repos and start a subscription (if necessary).

If at any point you notice a typo or mistake, please don't hesitate to jump in and propose an edit via the link in the top right corner of every page.

Help on using Reviewable

Help is available through many channels:

  • X-Ray: Press F1 or h, or click Support > Help, to view the hints for all of the features on a page. If you invoke help while hovering your mouse pointer over a button or feature, specific help for that feature will appear. Press the same key again, press Esc, or click on the grey background to get back to the app.


On tablets and other touch devices with no convenient keyboard, tap the question mark icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen instead.

  • Chat: Click Support > Chat to chat with our team. We don't have access to what you're seeing unless you send us a screenshot.

  • Bug reports or feature requests: Click Support > Issues to report a bug, or make a feature request. To potentially get an answer faster and help reduce triaging overhead, please check existing issues for duplicates first.

  • Send us an email for questions that should stay private. If you're an Enterprise user, you can chat with us in our shared chat channel (Slack, Teams, etc).

Staying up to date

Follow us on Twitter at @reviewableio for service status updates, changelog notifications, and occasional discussions and votes on potential features. For the truly dedicated, you can watch the Reviewable/Reviewable repo for new issues and updates to these docs. We retired our Gitter channel now that we have the integrated chat widget, but for the beyond dedictated it is here: Gitter channel . (Thanks!)